Friday, December 21, 2012

Secret Recipes and The Apron

Today was a day of immense gratitude ~ Today was a day spent with my Ant Betty (and no, I did not omit the u in Aunt, it's how she signs her name!). She lived with me pre-kindergarten, and I cried for days when she "left me" to get married and move to Texas with her new husband. She is the best cook and baker I know, and she had the best color books.

A couple of years ago she bequeathed to me her Christmas Sugar Cookie Recipe. This is no ordinary sugar cookie ~ all who have taken a bite have fallen under its' spell (and only she and I know the secret to this marvelous delight!). Today she shared with me her recipe for her Popcorn Crisp (there is wonderful caramel involved with it). And the best part of this is....only she and I know of the secrets to this recipe!

She had given me her precious recipe and in addition had written out her helpful hints. And then the day of delectable heavenliness began....

Oh how I love that Lady!!
And of course after each batch of goodness, the Fav Unk would have to sample each and every one!!
But let me back up to the beginning, as if this day could not get any better.....when I arrived my Ant Betty had a gift for apron that my Aunt Sally had embroidered so many many years ago (in pink gingham, be still may beating heart!)
Thank you Ant Betty for trusting me with your recipes, for that abundance of love when I was growing up, for the time you always have to spend with me. I love you more than you will ever know!


  1. Who teases the faithful blog reading world by going on how wonderful something is & then even goes to the trouble of taking a picture of the recipe with the secret blacked out! That is pure evil.

  2. I believe she already knows.

  3. Gosh that looks good!!!

    I just wanted to let you know that I love the card of yours 'Do not go where the path my lead....' that I received as part of the Inspirational Card Deck Swap.

    Thank you


  4. I think Ant Betty must have rubbed off on you, cuz you're pretty wonderful too! xoxo Yina
