On March 26, 2011, turn off your lights at 8:30 pm for Earth Hour, a worldwide collective display of commitment to protect the one thing that unites us all - the planet.
Every year Earth Hour asks individuals, businesses and communities worldwide to show their commitment to the environment. This Earth Hour, we hope you will turn off your lights. But when the lights go back on, we want you to go beyond the hour and think about what you can change in your daily life that will benefit the planet. Let’s work together to create a better future. Our actions can add up.
I told her I would do it. So at 8:25pm I started lighting the candles in my living room; at 8:30pm the lights went out.
Stan came downstairs to join me and we marveled at the wonderment of the silence amongst the candlelight ~ no television, no lights, no computer hum; time just spent being in the moment.
And we marveled at the wonderment of one young man in another country determined to get the word out about this event. Such passion at such a young age.
We decided to make this a weekly event. Good for the Earth and good for quieting down our minds and just being in the moment.
I have to agree with Kristi - he definitely is the coolest kid she knows!
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