I took an Itty Bitty Pretties class taught by Dayna Collins earlier this year. (She teaches the best classes!) Being that this was a Schaffer Reunion year, I thought I would take what she taught and make a "MASTERPIECE" depicting every Schaffer. 196 squares later, my project is finished!
My two favorite parts to this project was learning each and every relatives' name and a little bit more about them, and finding just the right embellishment to go on each square. My favorite is the little plastic shoe with the "Old Woman and her Children" in it that I found at the Polk County Flea Market. Of course with 12 children it had to go on one of "Ma" Schaffer's squares!
(If you click on it, it becomes larger!).
Along with the embellishment, each square also has a positive descriptive word for that person. Can you find me? Yep, I'm the "Artist" and "Bundle" of "Joy".
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
4 years ago
Oh. My. Goodness. Your piece is stunning. Creative. Beautiful. Festive. Provocative. Wild. Crazy. Lovely. I adore it. And you.