Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pinky Swear

Life's Cheerleaders ~ Those people in your life that no matter what you do, think that you are wonderfully great. My longest known girlfriend cheerleader is Miss Becky. We met in the 6th grade when I started attending a new school. She lived around the block and she knocked on my door and invited me to walk down to the record shop, to scour the latest 45's. That knock would be the commencement of a forty one year old friendship. In all of those years she has always been one of my greatest fans; and I am hers. Hard to believe, but even with different views on issues, we have never gotten into one argument. There has never been one day of ill will or jealousy. I admire her HUGE heart; she gets me.

I got to spend this evening with her. We had dinner at Henry's and then went and saw The Importance of Being Earnest at the Gerding Theater.

We have a "Pinky Swear" to grow old together. I know we will. And we're taking our 45's with us to the home!

1 comment:

  1. Having a friend like that is truly a blessing. It is enouraging to know that some people can make a friendship stand the test of time, gives hope to the rest of us. Both of you are so very fortunate!
